Venture into Peter Wood’s Painting Explorations Gallery, where each piece serves as a testament to his creative experiments and evolving artistic journey.

One is for Sorrow 1, Oil on Canvas, 12x18", 2004

One is for Sorrow 2, Oil on Canvas, 12x18" 2004

One is for Sorrow 3, Oil on Canvas 12x18", 2004

One is for Sorrow 4, Oil on Canvas, 12x18" 2004

Slouching toward Bethlehem, acrylic on canvas, 90x72", 2015

Gatineau Hills, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2011

Royal Bank Perth. Oil on Canvas, 48x26", 2017

Jane's Birch Grove, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2011

untitled, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2011

untitled, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2011

Big Business, Latex on board, 35 x20", 2008
Untitled, Latex on Canvas, 72x60", 2013

Dragon Automotive, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2013