Still-Life Paintings
Delve into the intricate world of Peter Wood's Still-Life paintings, featuring his collection of old teapots, patterned tea cups, antique chairs and apples, each transformed through bold contours and a vivid palette.

Red Apples in Blue Bowl, Oil on Canvas, 24x36", 2006

Blue Chair, Oil on Canvas, 12x12", 2012

Tea Party, Oil on Canvas, 36x36", 2006

Green apples in blue bowl, Oil on Canvas, 48x36", 2002

Green apples on flow blue bowl, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2010

Brown chair, Oil on Canvas with Photo collage, 18x24", 2009
Brown Betty, Oil on Canvas, 14x12", 2006

green apples, Oil on Canvas, 14x12", 2008
Paper whites in Pot, Oil on Canvas, 14 x18", 2008

Green Apples in Brown Bowl, Oil on Canvas, 48x24", 2009
Still-Life Pears on a Plate, Oil on Canvas, 36x36", 2010

Green apples on flow blue bowl 2, Oil on Canvas, 20x18", 2010

Tulips in Black cup, Oil on Canvas, 36x36", 2011

Orange tea pot, Oil on Canvas, 12x10" 2007 (1)

Indian Paintbrush, Oil on Canvas, 12x10", 2009

Sun Flowers, Oil on Canvas, 18x24", 2007

Yellow Flowers, Oil on Canvas,18x24", 2013